Click here to Complete The Survey Today!
Step 1. New and returning inspectors, please complete the online election survey. This will give us your details and allow us to schedule you for a training session. You can also print out a copy of our Inspector Brochure for more information.
Step 2. Attend a mandatory paid training class.
Step 3. You will be placed at one of our 82 polling locations in Ulster County. Welcome!
Election Inspector Roles & Responsibilities
Each Election Inspector role is conducted by a pair of employees representing both major parties.
- Voting System Operator
- Voter Sign in and Ballot Distribution
- Affidavit Ballot processing and “Red Supply Bag” Coordinator
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an Election Inspector?
Election Inspectors (AKA Poll Workers) are registered voters trained by the Board of Elections to help run elections in accordance with state and federal law.
What are the eligibility requirements to be an Ulster County Election Inspector?
You must be registered to vote in Ulster County (or pre-registered for 17 year olds) and attend a mandatory paid training. You are not required to be enrolled in a political party.
Are Election Inspectors paid?
Yes. Election inspectors are paid $18/hour and compensated $60 for completing annual mandatory training.
Where will I work?
Whenever possible, election inspectors are assigned to their home poll site, but the Board of Elections does reserve the right to assign inspectors to other locations based on staffing needs.
What hours do Election Inspectors work?
During Primary and General Election days, the polls will be open from 6:00am to 9:00pm. Inspectors will arrive 45 minutes early to begin setup and will remain at the polling location until the site work is completed and materials are securely packed up. Partial day hours now available in a limited basis at an hourly rate of $18/hour.
If I am not assigned to a poll site that is not my home district how will I vote?
Inspectors working away from their home district on election day can receive a “Special Ballot” obtained by completing an Inspector Absentee application. You can also visit any Early Voting Center polling location up to nine days prior to your shift or stop by the Board of Elections and receive your ballot at the counter.
Have Additional Questions?
Email the Board at INSPECTORS@co.ulster.ny.us. or call our office at 845-334-5470 and ask for Michael Quimby (Rep) or Doug Tyler (Dem), Election Inspector Coordinators.
Click HERE for a copy of Inspector Brochure